February 15, 2025

Flex Tech

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Podcast Discusses Healthcare Industry Considerations Under Stark

Podcast Discusses Healthcare Industry Considerations Under Stark

Check out the latest episode on the Stark Integrity podcast hosted by Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP”s Nashville partner Bob Wade, featuring professionals in the healthcare industry including Chris Fete, a partner at Pinnacle Healthcare Consulting.

Percentage Arrangements under the Stark Law

Are percentage-based compensation arrangements permitted under the Stark Law? In this episode, Wade explores the answer. Hear the circumstances where percentage-based compensation arrangements are permissible, why they’re prohibited when it comes to office space or equipment rentals, the difference between percentages and percentage points, the most common exceptions where percentage-based compensation arrangements are used, and a poem.

Click here to listen.

To Per-Click or Not to Per-Click, That Is the Question

To per-click or not to per-click? That is the question. In this episode, Wade breaks down all things per-click arrangements under the Stark Law. Hear why per-click arrangements are permissible under limited circumstances, how it works with lessors and lessees, what you can bundle together, the most common misconceptions about per-click arrangements, and everything from Shakespeare to Sesame Street.

Click here to listen.

Compensation Learnings from AAPCP Annual Conference: Discussion with Chris Fete, Partner, Pinnacle Healthcare Consulting

It’s an evolving industry. In this episode, Wade breaks down compensation learnings from the AAPCP (American Association of Provider Compensation Professionals) Annual Conference with Chris Fete, Partner at Pinnacle Healthcare Consulting (PHC). Hear why the growth and involvement of AAPCP is important for the industry, why the AAPCP credential is a good thing, how to stay on top of trends, what to think of AI in the healthcare space, and more.

Click here to listen.

How to Identify Covert Retaliation

How do you identify covert retaliation? In this episode, Wade reveals 8 categories of covert retaliation as they relate to the Stark Law. Hear the 2 broad categories of retaliation, how the anti-retaliation provisions under the False Claims Act (FCA) are separate causes of action an individual can bring against entity and individuals, why covert retaliation is the most challenging form of retaliation to identify, the origins of retaliation, and how it differs.

Click here to listen.

A Rare Bird: Fair Market Value for Key Opinion Leaders

Compensating Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) or thought leaders is a little different than regular physician compensation. In this episode, Wade walks you through how to evaluate KOL compensation. Hear why not every physician is a KOL, why you need to look at the services requested to be performed, how everything boils down to an hourly rate, the importance of the market, and Wade’s hobby of bird-watching. 

Click here to listen.
