A search for two missing Louisiana children has tragically ended. The Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff’s Office was notified by U.S. Marshals in Mississippi that they arrested Daniel Callihan in Jackson, Mississippi, in connection with a homicide, and a statewide Amber Alert was issued Thursday.The sheriff’s office said Callihan led authorities to his car, where 6-year-old Jalie Brunett was found alive. He then led officers to the body of 4-year-old Erin Brunett. Jackson police said during a news conference that the surviving child was taken to a hospital to receive treatment, and they are working to determine the manner of death for the other child. “Based on the crime scene, what it looks like, this may be the place where there has been some human trafficking done,” Jackson Police Chief Joseph Wade said. “We see cages, small animal cages. This is very, very disturbing to me as a police chief and as a father to witness and see what I saw.”Callihan and the girl’s mother, Callie Brunett, were in a relationship, according to Sheriff Daniel Edwards. It is believed that Callihan killed Brunett, according to Edwards. Callihan was found after a suspicious person report in Jackson. A brief chase with Callihan led to his arrest. Louisiana State Police issued an Amber Alert around 12:20 p.m. for the missing girls. Edwards said the homicide investigation began Thursday morning on North Cooper Road in Loranger.Brunett, 35, of Loranger, was found dead in her home after being missing for over a day.Her two small children, Jalie, 6, and Erin, 4, were reported missing. Edwards said Brunett’s father found Callie’s body Thursday morning on the floor of her bedroom inside her trailer. According to Edwards, Brunett’s father reported his daughter missing on Wednesday after she hadn’t returned home. The last time they spoke with her was Tuesday afternoon. Edwards said there was a 36-hour gap between the last time the family spoke with Brunett and when the children were discovered missing. The Tangipahoa Sheriff’s office releasing the following statement regarding the investigation:”36-year-old Daniel Callihan was located and taken into custody late this afternoon in Jackson, MS.”Callihan is accused of committing brutal and heinous acts of violence, including the murders of 35-year-old Loranger resident Callie Brunett and her four-year-old daughter, Erin.”Our hearts are with all those affected by this tragic event. These are unspeakable crimes,’ says Sheriff Daniel Edwards. ‘We ask everyone to keep Callie’s family in your prayers.’Sheriff Edwards would like to thank all the agencies who assisted in this investigation, including the Louisiana State Police, FBI New Orleans, Jackson Mississippi US Marshals Office, Bryam Mississippi Police Department, Pike County Sheriff’s Office, Mississippi Bureau of Investigations, Livingston Parish Sheriff’s Office, Washington Parish Sheriff’s Office, LA DOC – Rayburn, Jackson Mississippi Police Department, and Rankin County Mississippi, and all the Citizens who have called in tips and information throughout this investigation. “Additionally, all the support personnel from all these agencies as well. It takes all of us working together to get the job done.We would like to especially thank the media, including radio, television, and newspapers, for helping us spread the word.”Don’t see the timeline below? Click here. 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
A search for two missing Louisiana children has tragically ended.
The Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff’s Office was notified by U.S. Marshals in Mississippi that they arrested Daniel Callihan in Jackson, Mississippi, in connection with a homicide, and a statewide Amber Alert was issued Thursday.
The sheriff’s office said Callihan led authorities to his car, where 6-year-old Jalie Brunett was found alive. He then led officers to the body of 4-year-old Erin Brunett.
Jackson police said during a news conference that the surviving child was taken to a hospital to receive treatment, and they are working to determine the manner of death for the other child.
“Based on the crime scene, what it looks like, this may be the place where there has been some human trafficking done,” Jackson Police Chief Joseph Wade said. “We see cages, small animal cages. This is very, very disturbing to me as a police chief and as a father to witness and see what I saw.”
Callihan and the girl’s mother, Callie Brunett, were in a relationship, according to Sheriff Daniel Edwards.
It is believed that Callihan killed Brunett, according to Edwards.
Callihan was found after a suspicious person report in Jackson. A brief chase with Callihan led to his arrest.
Louisiana State Police issued an Amber Alert around 12:20 p.m. for the missing girls.
Edwards said the homicide investigation began Thursday morning on North Cooper Road in Loranger.
Brunett, 35, of Loranger, was found dead in her home after being missing for over a day.
Her two small children, Jalie, 6, and Erin, 4, were reported missing.
Edwards said Brunett’s father found Callie’s body Thursday morning on the floor of her bedroom inside her trailer.
According to Edwards, Brunett’s father reported his daughter missing on Wednesday after she hadn’t returned home.
The last time they spoke with her was Tuesday afternoon.
Edwards said there was a 36-hour gap between the last time the family spoke with Brunett and when the children were discovered missing.
The Tangipahoa Sheriff’s office releasing the following statement regarding the investigation:
“36-year-old Daniel Callihan was located and taken into custody late this afternoon in Jackson, MS.
“Callihan is accused of committing brutal and heinous acts of violence, including the murders of 35-year-old Loranger resident Callie Brunett and her four-year-old daughter, Erin.
“Our hearts are with all those affected by this tragic event. These are unspeakable crimes,’ says Sheriff Daniel Edwards. ‘We ask everyone to keep Callie’s family in your prayers.’
Sheriff Edwards would like to thank all the agencies who assisted in this investigation, including the Louisiana State Police, FBI New Orleans, Jackson Mississippi US Marshals Office, Bryam Mississippi Police Department, Pike County Sheriff’s Office, Mississippi Bureau of Investigations, Livingston Parish Sheriff’s Office, Washington Parish Sheriff’s Office, LA DOC – Rayburn, Jackson Mississippi Police Department, and Rankin County Mississippi, and all the Citizens who have called in tips and information throughout this investigation.
“Additionally, all the support personnel from all these agencies as well. It takes all of us working together to get the job done.
We would like to especially thank the media, including radio, television, and newspapers, for helping us spread the word.”
Don’t see the timeline below? Click here.
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